Getting Ready to Rock the Bay

On August 25-26 weekend, Poker Runs America will once again host the Rock the Bay Poker Run in North East, Md., with the fleet gathering Friday afternoon to start the festivities at Anchor Marina, where the annual dock party will kick off the weekend.

“We have 40 boats registered right now and it’s looking extremely positive,” said Poker Runs America president and publisher Bill Taylor. “The event has grown each year since we’ve taken it over and we’re enjoying our great relationship with Butch Trainer, who is the owner of Anchor Marina.”

The boats will leave Anchor Marina on Saturday morning at 10:30 a.m. and they will gather at 12:30 p.m. for lunch at Nick’s Fish House in Baltimore. One of the new things for this year’s event is a new final card stop at Joppatowne Marina, the home of CMS Engines on the Gunpowder River. There will be a live band, a car show and plenty of docking space.

Dinner and awards will take place at the North East Firehall and any poker runner who participated in the Thunder in the City run can mix and match his cards with those from the Rock the Bay event to improve his hand.

In addition to being a great venue, the upper Chesapeake Bay has become a favored location for the poker runners to hang out after the event and raft up and swim. Trainer said the upper bay doesn’t have the sharks and jellyfish found in the lower bay, which has drawn boaters from outside the area to come in and enjoy the weekend.

“It’s a big raft-up poker run and they start wandering in about 5:30 or 6,” said Trainer. Additionally, there’s an optional guided Sunday Fun Run for poker runners who don’t need to rush home. For more information, check out

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