Jimmy McAndrews has a fleet of sportscars, three boats including a 63’ Sea Ray, and other toys he enjoys. He’s in his mid-60s and could hardly be considered a risk when it comes to getting insurance coverage.
That was until he bought a performance boat.
After McAndrews, of Ocean Ridge, FL., purchased his Eliminator 300 XP V-bottom powered by twin MerCruiser 496 MAG HO Bravo Ones in mid-March, he called his insurance company. After that agency said no, he tried a few more.
“We couldn’t get anywhere with conventional insurance,” said McAndrews. “It got to where I could tell when they talked on the phone that I wouldn’t be insured. You gotta have a good driving record, a good this, a good that.”
So he did the only sensible thing. McAndrews called Arthur Buhr III at Total Dollar Boat Insurance and finally got the coverage he needed. “With Arthur it was done right away and it was reasonable, too,” explained McAndrews.
It would come as no surprise to experienced performance boaters that McAndrews’ experience is the norm, not the exception. Performance boat insurance is not easy to find, so while you’re looking to buy a given boat, make sure you can also find insurance before completing the transaction. This is especially true when you’re looking at a 100-mph plus catamaran.
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