Another successful year for the annual Four Horsemen Poker Run
Photo above courtesy of Brian Radtke (MediaOne7)
Travis Kingdon
The waters of Lake Winnebago hosted the 8th Annual Four Horsemen Poker Run this past weekend in Oshkosh, WI.
With temperatures of 88°F and blue skies above, the weather was absolutely perfect for the run. Even though it was slightly windier than expected, Shannon Radtke, the coordinator of the run, says the event went off without a hitch.

“The turnout was great,” says Radtke “I had 70 boats which is a record for me. I had about 255 people in total registered.”
Due to the large amount of participants, the party had to move inside this year. They simply couldn’t fit the people on the dock where they usually are.
Being indoors didn’t put a damper on the party though, the new space, dubbed “The Shed,” hosted an intimate, private party for participants only on Friday evening. After the cards were drawn and the awards were given out, “The Shed” was opened to the public so everyone could mingle with the runners.

The event once again made a large charitable donation with some of the proceeds from the event. Radtke says that the run raised about $22,000 this year.
This year, instead of picking a large charity, Radtke chose to donate to a local family instead.
“That’s going to go to a young girl, Scarlett, in Wisconsin Rapids who has a very rare form of Leukemia,” says Radtke. The money will help the support the child’s family and pay for her medical bills.
Radtke explains this is how the run will deal with charitable donations going forward. Sponsors will nominate a family in the community they believe is in need of the donation and then the coordinators will pick from the suggestions.

The big winner of the poker run was Jeff Angst, who took home the $2,500 grand prize. In a truly selfless act, Angst donated his winnings to Scarlett and her family.
Poker Runs America donated 100% of all magazine subscriptions sold at the run to Scarlett and her family as well. In total the proceeds from 22 subscriptions were donated.
Keep your eyes peeled for the 2018 Four Horsemen Poker Run, Radkte says they are absolutely going to be back on the water next year for their 9th time on Lake Winnebago.