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The Covid pandemic and an ailing father brought a change of perspective to Spectre Powerboats owner Todd Lamb while building boats in...

Start ’em Young – Cigarette Racing

Some of Alex Ruiz’s earliest childhood memories are of riding in the family’s Cigarette going for brunch in the Florida Keys. Now...
Charleston Composite

Charleston Composites Molds its Future

Long before you see a beautiful performance boat on the water, it started out as a plug and then a mold from...

Time Out with Scott McCormick – The Comeback Kid

Scott McCormick remembers when he was 15 driving by the Velocity Powerboats plant with his mother for...

Checking in with Jeff Harris

Is a return to offshore racing in the future for Iconic Marine’s Jeff Harris?  By Gregg Mansfield

Change of Power

Velocity Powerboats now offers sterndrive or outboard versions of its models. By Gregg Mansfield Scott McCormick grew up at the tail end of the hot rod...

Super Fly

Nor-Tech’s new 460 Flyer with a retractable hardtop is a sight to see. By Gregg Mansfield The performance center-console market has been one of boating’s fastest...
Donzi boat

Back in the Game

Iconic Marine brings back some top models from Fountain Powerboats and Donzi Marine.  By Gregg MansfieldPhotos by Gregg...
Bill Tweedie

Time to Chill

Bill Tweedie reflects on retirement after being the face of MYCO Trailers By Gregg Mansfield

Interview with Fred Ross

Iconic Marine's Fred Ross talks about the past and future for Fountain, Donzi and Baja. By Gregg Mansfield
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