In this case I had the privilege to revisit both. This cool December morning in Sarasota FL, I caught up with my friend and long time industry leader Craig Barrie, VP Donzi Marine and behind him was the newly designed 35 ZR Open. Craig, having lead companies such as Cigarette Racing Team for nearly 15 years, Hawk Marine Power and Dragon Power Boats is now steering Donzi Marine in a new direction. His Offshore and Formula 1 World and National Championships has earned him the respect to drive home a new generation of high performance boating and its current course. Due to economic times Donzi felt it was time to look at the industry from a different prospective. To myself, I see it as survival of the fittest in these difficult times. I now would like to introduce you to the Donzi ZR OPEN!
This cool December morning in Sarasota FL, I caught up with my friend and long time industry leader Craig Barrie, VP Donzi Marine and behind him was the newly designed 35 ZR Open. Craig, having lead companies such as Cigarette Racing Team for nearly 15 years, Hawk Marine Power and Dragon Power Boats is now steering Donzi Marine in a new direction. His Offshore and Formula 1 World and National Championships has earned him the respect to drive home a new generation of high performance boating and its current course. Due to economic times Donzi felt it was time to look at the industry from a different prospective.
Donzi and Craig felt that it was time to incorporate the racing heritage and its style with a hybrid Sport Utility Vessel (SUV). Making note of the different types of boats being used on the lakes and waterways while attending many pokers runs over past seasons the idea for the 35 open was conceived. Donzi needed to cater more to the family and not just the day racer that lies in many of us. The boat had to accommodate more of the family but still maintain the raciness that makes the blood flow. The deck was given the apparent west coast influenced open bow treatment. Two opposing lounge seats with ergonomically correct forward looking back rests make for a comfortable place to ride. Directly behind the seats is a small hatch that when lifted reveals a color matched sink and drink holders with day storage below. Under the opposite hatch was an additional sink with a 12 volt refrigerator below. A well placed waterproof stereo remote is mounted on the starboard side wall.
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