Centers of Attention

For the past decade, the majority of performance-boat manufacturers have been building center-console models and the category has evolved beyond its utilitarian roots. It’s no...

Mercury Racing Muscle

I can clearly remember the day that my Father came home with our first new outboard.  I was only 10 years old and the...


Generate more power from your stock 520 engine this season with CMI’s new 520 upgrade package that includes the 520 Sport Tubes and 520...

Evinrude E-TEC G2

Boarding the plane to Milwaukee International Airport for an Evinrude press event and dealer meeting, I had no idea what was about to be...

In The Fix: 1992 Cigarette Top Gun

If there are two things that haven’t changed in the world of offshore boating its performance and good looks. For the poker run crowd...

Shifting Gears

Well-known performance boat engine builder, Innovation Marine, has recently moved renowned high-performance transmission manufacturer Huber Marine into its headquarters on the West Coast of...

Super Charge-It!

Let’s play some word-association. When I say, “Supercharger for performance boats,” what’s the first name that pops into your head? For most people in...

MTI-V 42 Center Console – The most innovative boat of the year

The more we observed models from center console manufacturers at such events as The 2014 Miami International Boat Show, The SBI Key West World...

Outerlimits SL36

If a manufacturer of high-end wizardry is going to survive today, they must adapt to meet the needs of today’s performance boaters, while still...

PRA TESTED: Mercury Marine Joystick Piloting System

When I took the phone call to accept this assignment, I was excited. We have all seen and read about Mercury Marine’s remarkable Zeus...
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